What kinds of apps are made using Angular

What kinds of apps are made using Angular

In most cases, I see examples of React apps. I know that Angular apps are backend apps. In this article, we’ll give examples of internal apps that we’ve created in our company and what features these apps have. And why do these apps use Angular?

You can use Angular to do exactly the same thing as React. The only difference is that Angular forces you to write applications in a proper way and it embarks most of what you’ll need as standard libraries. React on the other hand enforces poor programming practices and forces you to install multiple third party libraries to do pretty much anything, so at the end you will get a pile of unreliable and unmaintainable shit. So if you need a reliable application, Angular is indeed the way to go, but I’m not sure in which cases you’d want an unreliable application. One bank has recently rewritten it’s front-end in React and it is now barely usable.

I myself have used Angular successfully for an online shop and some in-house apps that display information to employees using their badges.

One Team Lead gave me a few hints:

  • Porsche infotainment systems (including the latest Taycan)
  • ERP systems
  • Cash systems in stores (using Electron to create desktop applications, but they are still clunky)
  • Warehouse systems
  • Trading platforms

And much more.